A mob of hungry people. Seven biscuits. A couple of sardines. That's not even almost enough food. But that's all they had. What do you do when all you have is not enough?
The story of Jesus feeding the 4000 offers some answers to what we should do when there is more month than money. Here's a summary of the story.
Mark 8:1 Large crowd had nothing to eat.
Mark 8:2 Jesus had compassion.
Mark 8:4 Disciples had no clue what to do.
Mark 8:5 After pooling their resources they had a grand total of seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. Not much for 4000 hungry people.
So, what do you do when you don't have enough, when the words "few" and "small" describe your opportunities and your income? When I don't have enough, I usually complain or swim in self-pity. But there has to be a better way. Watch Jesus and learn.
Mark 8:6,7 Jesus took the seven loaves and the few small fish and GAVE THANKS, then He GAVE THEM AWAY to the hungry people.
Try THANKFULNESS and GENEROSITY next time your all is not enough. First give thanks to God, then give some of what little you have to someone who has even less. If we learn to give thanks for the too small and the too little, we might just see that small and little multiply until it is more than enough.
Mark 8:8 The people came to Jesus famished and left full, with bags of leftovers.
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